Sunday, February 11, 2007


101. I'm scared to be a stepmom.
102. I'm scared to have to put someone else first.
103. I like being selfish.
104. I'm thinking about birth control again.
105. I love being treated like a princess!

Sunday, December 24, 2006


94. I'm not a good "gift receiver."
95. I cry so much these days.
96. I get the giggles in church.
97. I'm a good granddaughter. (Could be the guilt.)
98. I am important to God.
99. Every day.
100. That won't ever change.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Not quite 100, but start reading

1I like things to be tidy.
2I’m not flexible.
3I can be bitchy.
4I am open minded.
5I love to hug.
6I love to kiss.
7I think I’m gonna’ love sex—I have loved everything else we did.
8I love to sing loud.
9I wish I could keep my car clean.
10I have a tilted cervix.
11I love baths.
12I like to watch sports.
13I love to play sports.
14I’m extremely loyal.
15I like change.
16I love to shake things up.
17I love my tattoos.
18I wish I could be sweeter.
19I wish I had a big family that did things together.
20I’m getting better at telling a lie.
21I have a hard time trusting people.
22I’m falling in love with silky underwear.
23I’m starting to like make-up.
24I love public transportation.
25I’m a 31 year old virgin.
26I love knock-knock jokes.
27I know that I’m smart.
28I love chocolate and coffee.
29I love a man with a beard.
30I am high maintenance – emotionally.
31I am finally taking care of myself as a woman.
32I wish people understood me.
33I used to think I was waiting to have sex until I’m married,
34Now, I’m thinking I’d rather have sex and I may never get married.
35I’m more sexual than I ever dreamed.
36I am smart.
37I have big feet.
38I’m learning to flirt.
39I love to laugh.
40I am an email addict.
41I wish I had an IPod.
42I don’t want to be an adult.
43I want to be treated like an adult.
44I love flowers….I wish I had someone to give them to me.
45I’m going to start buying them for me again.
46I’m a good writer.
47 I’m really into acrostic poetry right now.
48I love to sleep in.
49I love to watch the sun rise.
50I’m an “all or nothing” girl.
51I wish I was better at managing my money.
52I have been visiting the cemetery lately.
53I have been watching church on Sundays.
54I love magazines.
55I love to read.
56I love TV and movies.
57I love Diet Coke.
58I’m a “people watcher.”
59I want to be content.
60If God would tell me that I’m never getting married, I would relax.
61If He said that I wasn’t getting married until I’m 40, then I would relax.
62I hate being the third wheel, yet I’m really good at it.
63Money, fame, and power do not impress me.
64Genuineness does.
65I love beer.
66I can hear my neighbors having sex through the ceiling.
67I LOVE tall guys.
68I’m jealous of people in relationships.
69I’m intimidating and I don’t even mean to be.
70I love to be teased.
71I sabotage my own healthy eating habits.
72I drive too fast.
73I love to be dirty.
74Meaning, if I could shower just once a week, I would.
75I am afraid to write in ink. (Fear of commitment?)
76I love that my Christmas tree is the one I had when I was a kid.
77I wish I was brave enough to key his car or slash his tires.
78I like to wear sexy things under my comfy clothes; It makes me feel like I have a secret.
79I wish my hairdresser lived with me.
80I’m lazy.
81I love attention.
82I’m addicted to “Sex and the City” reruns.
83“Will and Grace,” too.
84I sleep to escape thinking….it is the only way my brain turns off.
85Well, sleep and excessive drinking.
86I used to believe that it was possible for men and women to be “just friends.”
87Now I only believe that if they haven’t been naked together.
88I’m afraid to buy a new coffee pot because I can’t decide if I want to buy a cheap one to get me by until I get married and we register for one OR if I should admit I might be alone forever and just buy a great one that I really want.
89I look great in green.
90I love pink and brown…together.
91I’d rather give than receive.
92I’ve always wanted to sky dive.
93I love the feeling after a BM.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I've been inspired by QuestionGirl

Question Girl has a blog with 100 things about herself. She inspired me to start my own list. Although I'm not finished, I wanted to post mine.....